Friday, January 14, 2011

New York: Manhattan Day 2 - Big Night in a Big Lights City

Our first full day began with a slow walk around SoHo. Ah, vacation, there should be more of it. We packed a book to be sold, Brian and I took a taxi to the nearest post office. After USPS, we started walking towards SoHo and sightseeing. I am a fan of the bright colored buildings with fire escapes and nice graffiti art that adorn the city. There were piles of snow crowding the streets from the latest snowstorm that hit the Northeast. Brian spotted McClintock Bakery and we decided to have lunch at that point. The ginger carrot soup and fresh squeezed grapefruit juice were good. I should have passed on the beet salad. Filled with energy from the eggs Benedict sandwich, we made our way to Teany, where we had 98 loose leaf tea flavors to choose from.

We went back to the apartment to get dressed for our grand night. We took the subway to meet Pat & Cindy at Le Bernardin. We got off too early on Time Square and ended up having to walk 6 extra blocks to get there. It was a cold 30 degree night but it was very nice to see all the lights and people on the street. They have such impecable service at Le Bernadin. Everyone's very polite and quiet, so nothing feels too invasive. We had the Le Bernadin prefix meal and it was a spectacular marathon of food. They start you off with raw fish, then gradually serve you dishes that are more and more cooked and beautifully presented. I liked their sauces.

While digesting the food made me want to stay put, the wine made floating my way to Broadway easy. We saw the preview showing of Spiderman: Turn Off the Dark with the famous flying over the audience scenes. The same flying scenes that caused actors to fall and get injured during rehearsal which made the front pages of the news quite a few times. I enjoyed myself.


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