Monday, August 23, 2010

Europe Day 7: Vienna, Austria

Rode the train from Budapest (1pm) to Vienna (4pm). We checked into Do Step Inn hostel ($50/room) and took the subway to ringstrasse to attend our Mozart concert in historical costumes at the VIENNA STATE OPERA HOUSE!!! What an epic venue and fun concert. It was very good fortune to have Mozart, because of the familiarity to his songs, and to have some of the best musicians play while dressed in costume completely added to the experience. Not to mention we got 4th row seats!!!!! Found it for 108EUR/two. If you want to attend and tickets are a steep price, the rumor on the street is that you can also obtain standing tickets for 15EUR a piece. The walk to the opera house is enjoyable. Similar vibe to 3rd street in Santa Monica, with high-end shops and musicians populating the pedestrian-friendly street. You start your walk at the gorgeous Stephansplatz where Stephen's church is, and end at the Opera house.

Vienna photos here.

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