Thursday, August 26, 2010

Europe Day 10, 11, 12: Ticino, Switzerland and Como, Italy

We dropped off the car at the Hertz near the Innsbruck train station, and hopped onto the train from Innsbruck to Zurich. This was the nicest train I've been on to date. The first class seats were clean, leather, ergonomic, seat numbers were electronically indicated, seat occupancy was at 40% and they even served a complimentary snack. Thank you Euro Rail!

Went from the train station and took the bus and walked to the Hertz about a half mile away. Drove around Zurich and after seeing how clean and proper the city is, we began heading south to Ticino, our desired destination. We drive from about 17:00 and reach Hotel Alexandra at 23:00. Making that drive through the night bought us an extra day in Ticino (the area in south Switzerland encompassing a handful of lake-cities).

Hotel Alexandra, in Locarno, has a great breakfast, very classy. We drove to and walked around Lugano. They have free wi-fi throughout the whole city, but I couldn't connect my phone due to a T-Mobile glitch. The company I worked for at the time has an office in Lugano, where my direct-manager was stationed at. We tried to visit but couldn't get internet anywhere to obtain the address.  So we saw the main plaza and had lunch at this restaurant I can't remember the name of, but it was located directly to the right of its direct competitor. We ordered the capricciosa pizza (olives and anchovies). It was a traditional italian-style pizza and tasted spectacular. An European couple sitting next to us befriended us and we learned that (1) the pizza at that restaurant is authentic Italian and better than many pizzas in Italy , and (2) we should check out Lake Como. So we got the car and drove to Italy and had coffee at Lake Como, walked around and drove back!

Then we walked around the Piazza Grande in Locarno. We were sad to learn we just missed the film festival, where they play old movies outdoors for people to watch int he Piazza. We picked up some food and a bottle of wine somewhere and enjoyed dinner at the outside patio at our Hotel Alexandria. We even got to borrow wine glasses from them.

Switzerland photos here.
Como photos.

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